Blog - Articles and Resources
Anxiety and Stress
Panic Attacks – How to Cope with and Recover from Episodes of High Anxiety
If a person could simply calm down and stop having a panic attack, they would.
The Power of Painting Miniatures – My Recent Personal Experience
As I dipped paintbrush into pot, I immediately felt my chest ease and my focus flow as my miniature was slowly brought to life.
How to Get The Most Out of Travelling and Enjoy Personal Growth
A girlfriend inspired me to go. At the age of 21, I left college in Ireland to move to South Africa. It helped that she was South African.
Anxiety and Stress
Understanding and Overcoming Health Anxiety
We live in an age of easily accessible information, so it's natural to become more health-conscious. But for some people this awareness can spiral
BWRT Therapy
BWRT is one of the main treatments for trauma and anxiety in South Africa
After living in South Africa for about 4 years in my twenties, I’m always interested in how this beautiful and dangerous country is managed.