Feel More Calm and At Ease

Feel More Calm and At Ease

Frequent anxiety about upcoming events in your personal or professional life can cause stress and tension, and take the enjoyment out of life.

Online therapy designed for rapid relief helps you to relieve stress or overwhelm, feel more relaxed and stop worrying.

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Young man calm and at ease at work on the phone drinking tea.

Are you struggling with stress or anxiety?

Do you feel like a coiled spring, wound up tight from frequent stress, with muscle tension and a feeling of overwhelm?

Perhaps you feel generally anxious with the expectation of things going wrong, or you even experience panic attacks?

Maybe you feel tense and anxious only in certain situations or around particular people?

Are you putting off making that important business phone call or even dreading going to work or to that social event?

Would you like to relieve the anxiety and worry naturally and without medication?

Would you like to feel more in control of your emotions and behaviours?

Over the years, I’ve worked with clients successfully for a variety of anxiety-based issues. 

Some of these include anxiety about talking in groups to colleagues, giving a presentation, asking the boss for time off, taking exams or tests, health anxiety or being in social situations in your personal time.


Anxious and worried man looking at his laptop
Work colleagues relaxing having lunch together

Feel comfortable in all social situations

Whether you’re at work or at family gatherings and other social events, it’s great to feel calm, at ease and be able to connect with people comfortably.

Your mind is clear, your thoughts are positive and supportive, and your body feels relaxed and comfortable.

You can get through your to-do list with ease, and feel comfortable interacting with colleagues and superiors at work, which gives you a sense of calm confidence and feeling good about yourself.

With the help of modern, effective therapies like BWRT, you can expect to:

  • Experience relief from anxiety, stress and feelings of panic or overwhelm.
  • Feel more in control of your emotions, thoughts and behaviours.
  • Develop better strategies and inner resources to deal with anxiety triggers.
  • Fall asleep more easily and wake up feeling refreshed and recharged.
  • Enjoy better overall mental, emotional and physical health.
  • Feel calm, clear and confident.

Results you can expect from therapy

  • Social Confidence

    Feel comfortable in meetings, giving presentations or in social situations. Feel confident with colleagues.

  • Relaxed at Work

    Feel at ease at work or in your business. Enjoy increased focus and concentration to get your tasks done with ease.

  • Firm Boundaries

    Speak up for yourself and assert yourself firmly and calmly. Know your worth and ask for what you need.

Release Your Stress With This Free Audio Session

Enjoy 20 minutes of hypnotic guided visualisation to release stress and anxiety and feel more in control.
Free download of 6 minutes hypnosis session for releasing stress and anxiety

Don't Feel Stressed and Anxious Any Longer

Schedule a free, no obligation consultation and take the first step towards a calmer, clearer and more confident life.

Schedule My Consultation