Break Free From the Shadows of Trauma

Break Free From the Shadows of Trauma

Step into a brighter tomorrow by overcoming the effects of past traumatic events.

You can release the grip of post traumatic stress (PTSD) symptoms and discover inner strength and resilience. 

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Group of friends enjoying a meal outdoors

The effects of traumatic events don't heal by themselves

The ripple effects of trauma impact relationships, work, and personal interests, as emotional and mental exhaustion take their toll. 

Perhaps you feel stressed or anxious or find it hard to concentrate or sleep properly, leading to poor performance at work.

Maybe you find you can’t stand up to a critical or bullying colleague and feel angry or ashamed. Or you feel frustrated because you procrastinate about important deadlines.

Perhaps you find difficulty in letting people get close to you emotionally, and feel alone, even in intimate relationships.

It doesn’t have to be this way, I can help you address the hidden impact of traumatic events.

How can therapy help with the effects of traumatic events?

  • Physical, Sexual or Emotional Abuse

    Healing brings a sense of freedom from the effects of past events. It allows you to view life with optimism, so that you can enjoy healthier relationships and self-trust.

    The journey of recovery not only helps you leave behind the pain but also unveils a stronger version of yourself.  You're ready to pursue happiness and achieve your goals.

  • Serious Accidents or Car Crashes

    You can release fear and restore a sense of safety, allowing you to enjoy daily activities such as driving again.

    Get back to the things you love doing without feeling scared. You'll find yourself worrying less and enjoying more. You can reclaim control over your life, and enjoy happiness and well-being

  • Sudden Loss of Someone Close

    The intense pain and shock can often lead to a disocciated state where you feel numb and not present.

    With gentle techniques you can release the overwhelming emotions and remember the person with love, just as they would want you to.

    You can feel grounded and present again.

You can transform your life when you break free from trauma

I can help you to release the effects of complex trauma such as anger, anxiety, insomnia, avoiding close relationships or addictive habits and behaviours.

In your work or business life, this means increased confidence and self esteem. 

Bringing calmness to your body, clarity to your mind and improving your focus, concentration and productivity.

You can engage more actively in tasks and approach interactions with others with calm confidence. 

In your personal life, releasing trauma symptoms and feeling at ease with yourself, other people and the world at large, opens up a world of enjoyment and deeper connections.

Activities and social events become sources of happiness and fun, not anxiety and worry, improving all your relationships and your overall quality of life.

Live a life of freedom to be who you want to be, and do what you want to do. I can help.

Young couple walking in woods happy relaxed

Am I suffering from the effects of traumatic events?

When we think of traumatic events it’s often as major, life-threatening events such as being involved in a car crash, being attacked, being a first responder or involved in a brutal fight.

But over the past decade, neuroscience has shown us that many more incidents can cause PTSD and bring changes in the brain with the same symptoms of anxiety, anger, insomnia or avoidance.

These seemingly more minor events are often repeated over a period of time and are especially damaging during early childhood when we’re forming beliefs about ourselves, other people and the world.

This is known as complex PTSD or C-PTSD and it has far-reaching consequences in every area of life.

Have you experienced any of these events and circumstances which can cause complex PTSD?

  • Parents who shouted at you or compared you unfavourably to siblings
  • Childhood neglect or abandonment
  • Being bullied or excluded at school
  • Repeatedly witnessing violence or abuse in your home
  • Being frequently criticised or told you're not good enough
  • Being inappropriately touched or fondled as a child or young person

Don't Let the Effects of Trauma Hold You Back Any Longer

Schedule a free, no obligation consultation and take the first step towards a calmer, clearer and more confident life.

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